Sunday, February 17, 2008

VALENTINES spend it the right way

Hey Guys its me again, yes that is a catchy title is'nt it!!?! Well it should be coming from a younger ( unwedd) Brother ( and older to some) . ANd I won't disapoint !!! AnD yes I dO have bad GrammAr and SpeLling habitS!!!!!!!!! SO my advice is ingenius because I am a novice to this holiday, for in the past I have proudly ( every year until now) celebrated Single Awareness Day, and have spent the day morning the deaths of 5 gang members that rivaled (know as the North side Gang) Al Capone back in the days prohibition, this event was know as the St Valentines day Massacre. SO ANYWAYS............

On with my sound advice, its very simple! It is this : buy a present for your significant other that both Parties ( the giver and the receiver ) will benefit!! And thats it!! simple, take it as you will, I hope to remember it in the future!! ( I went Flying for my V-DAY, a much better alternative to thinking about dead Gangsters, no Sierra not rappers, real gangsters;-)


A good spot for a possible landing

Banking a 45 over the tree tops

And people go all the way to Ireland to see Emerald Hills!!

Pre/PostFlight Checks


Havalah Turner | Sisters, What! said...

those were sweet pictures. I personally dislike v-day still, I know I know I have no reason to, but I do. ANyway, I will now always remember it for the massacre.

Anjuli Fry said...

Great post!!! Now I know she is cute so how come we haven't seen more pictures.
Oh and Mom says "Does she still like you?"
Colin really enjoyed all the pictures. When Mom got here he asked "Where you were?" So he still remembers you and is constantly saying things. Like when we set up our fake tree he asked where the tree David cut down was. That was a whole year ago and he remembered. Crazy huh?

Joy said...

Can I be your valentine next year?! I want to fly with you...she is so lucky!

Harmony said...

I think it was a great Valentine gift, and looks like a lot of fun too! Thanks for the advice--in this case you are probably wise beyond your years. :-)

Laura McGee said...

i love the pictures. awesome way to spend v-day! hey Logan and I just bought some quads. you and your gilrie should come out with us and go quading!! we go almost every saturday!!

Sierra Natasha Camille Burton said...

All I have to say is....I want to go flying when i get home...oh and party w/ you and daniella of course =] Love ya

Daniel B. said...

Dude, better update now that there's been a change...

Anonymous said...

Hey Dave! I like your blog =) here's mine (but don't make fun of me!)